Functional Nutrition and Acupuncture
My work is primarily supporting women with Female Health conditions and couples to support fertility, conception and pregnancy. I do this by blending my time in clinic with Acupuncture and online with Functional Nutrition Therapy. Treatment also involves diet and lifestyle change, health coaching and when necessary advanced functional testing to identify specific imbalances.
Acupuncture Clinic
My Acupuncture clinic runs on a Monday and Thursday and is based in a quiet city centre location with private off street parking. Evening appointments can be made. Fertility Support Acupuncture (FSA) initial consultation and discussing functional test results can be arranged online however, all Acupuncture treatments are conducted in clinic.
Online Functional Nutrition Therapy
Functional Nutrition Therapy is offered online with affordable Nutrition Packages which are personalised to your health needs. These range from £50 per week with regular appointments (fortnightly, or monthly) scheduled to support necessary diet and lifestyle changes required to achieve your health goals. Private Laboratory Testiing can be arranged locally or completed at home.
Next Steps
Find out more about working with to support your health and To find out more and free 15 minute mini-consultation.