Use laboratory testing to get the answers you need
For men and women seeking to enhance their health and overall well-being, functional testing is a powerful tool. How your health is expressed is closely linked with your biochemistry and genetic predispositions and traits. Also, your Diet, Lifestyle and Nutrient levels, can have a great influence on what is happening in your body.
Testing offers a comprehensive approach to investigate things more fully. Rather than relying solely on symptoms, tests provide concrete data which allow precise, tailored health plans and solutions.
Why use testing?
I use functional testing to:
- Identify Hormonal, Gut & Brain Imbalances: Imbalances in biochemical pathways can lead to unwanted symptoms and poor health. Tests assess where your health is currently at, so we can prioritise and focus on best supporting your health using personalised strategies and nutrition.
- Assess Nutrient Status: Proper nutrition is essential to maintain and optimise health. These tests evaluate levels of vital vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants your body needs. By identifying deficiencies, excesses, and imbalances, targeted dietary and lifestyle advice can get your health back on track.
- Uncover Genetic Insights: Nutrigenomic testing, examines your genetic blueprint and predispositions, and the results inform your personalised health plan. This allows us to be precise, and target specific health imbalances and the symptoms you experience.
Why I sell testing packages
Here is why I frequently bundle tests together:
- Comprehensive Assessment: Complex health conditions require deeper analysis of what is happening in the body. Seemingly unrelated symptoms, are often the result of multiple imbalanced biochemical pathways impacting each other. Combining tests identifies interconnected issues.
- Effective Treatment Results: Combining genetic tests with functional tests, allows me to determine if, and to what extent, your DNA traits and vulnerabilities are being expressed in your current health, and whether you are experiencing symptoms of excess or deficiency in your biochemistry.
- Personalised Solutions: Integrating test results facilitate highly personalised health solutions. Specific tests are needed to determine the health of different biomarkers, and knowing the specific results allow a more targeted approach to your treatment.
Functional Nutrition Testing
Functional tests are sourced from different laboratories and the selected is based on your personal requirements. Examples are given below –
Option 1 – Comprehensive Blood Analysis
– Well Woman or Well Man Blood Test
– 30 minute phone or video call to discuss results
– Summary report including diet & lifestyle advice
From £295.00
* Additional phlebotomy charges may apply depending on location
Option 2 – Genetic Trait Analysis (Nutrigenomic Testing)
– DNA Nutrigenomic Report
(Examples from Lifecode Gx include Nutrient Core, Hormones Report, Methylation, Histamine, Detoxification, Nervous System, Thyroid)
– 30 minute phone or video call to discuss results
– Summary report including diet & lifestyle advice
From £295.00
Option 3 – Vaginal Microbiome / Semen Microbiome / Urinary Microbiome
– Female or Male Microbiome Testing
– 30 minute phone or video call to discuss results
– Summary report including diet & lifestyle advice
– Couples report can be ordered
From £295.00
Option 4 – Bespoke Testing POA
Prices vary depending on which functional tests are selected – please contact me for further information.
Advanced Testing
Contact me for further information on Vaginal Microbiome, Comprehensive Stool , Allergy, Organic Acid, DUTCH Hormone, Auto-immune Anti-body Tissue and Natural Killer Cell Count testing.
Next Steps. . .
Contact me to find out more about how I can help you achieve your health goals. You can book a free mini-consultation to speak to find out the different ways I can help you.